A wonderful thank you from Totsie Slover

Keith McKim is one of those special people that I met through Howard Staub.  We’ve been friends for several years and he never ceases to amaze me.  Keith is a history nut, loves to do research, is a great writer (including poetry) and talented reciter.  He is also passionate about any project he delves into but especially if it has anything to do with our great country and her military heroes. Keith McKim spent several tours in Vietnam as a Green Beret.  In the process he lost an eye and had several other injuries and won several awards including Silver Stars, Bronze Stars and Purple Hearts.

In the past couple of years Keith McKim started writing about Vietnam Green Berets S.O.G. Medal of Honor Recipients and has since recorded those factual stories on a CD set.  The stories are amazing and if you have any interest in War history and the men who created those stories you need to have this CD.

The stories are about Roy P. Benavidez, George K. Sisler, Jon R. Cavaiani, Franklin D Miller, John J Kedenburg, Fred W. Zabitosky, Robert L. Howard and Loren D Hagen.

To order your copy of this CD set go to https://www.facebook.com/sogvietnam/info  and go to the About page. Or you can go directly to http://www.yuccacreekrecords.com/catalog.html.  Or you can go to www.amazon.com and search for Keith McKim.  You will be glad you did.

Thank you Keith for what you do and how you do it!  I’m proud to be your friend!

Totsie Slover,    Broadcaster, AM 1230, Deming New Mexico

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