
Riveting stories of incredible courage and sacrifice against impossible odds. Written and narrated by highly-decorated SOG Team Leader Keith McKim, these are tales of true American heroes who earned their country's highest military award fighting for freedom in an unpopular war. McKim infuses his own SOG experiences into his writing, making the sights and sounds of combat all too real. Highly recommended!


Make sure to carve out some time for this. Once you've listened to the first five minutes, you'll find it difficult not to listen all the way through in one sitting. I was born after Vietnam, but this album has given me greater insight and appreciation for what veterans experienced there. I feel like I can relate more to my father as a result.

Sterling M.,

This CD will move you--true accounts of American heroes fighting and saving others in the teeth of close combat, skillfully told by a man who's been there. Keith McKim tells the stories of the men who took on impossible challenges and came through them, saving their injured fellow soldiers in the process. These were the real heroes, those who selflessly stepped out for the most difficult missions, the missions that few could accomplish. These are stories that need to be told to anyone facing overwhelming odds and who need to know that there is a way to triumph, that success can be rescued from what seems to be sure defeat, that self sacrifice and service to others does matter, that little may be enough, that hope can inspire to achieve what must be done. With piercing insight and first-hand experience, Keith McKim delivers what America needs to hear. You will be changed by hearing it. ~Norm Steen, Brigadier General (retired)

Norm Steen,

Keith McKim is an amazing man who inspires me every day. In honor of him and all the men and women who have served our country I feel I should give high praise to his new audio book about the SOG members who received the Medal of Honor in the Viet Nam war. In his 60s he began to do what he truly loved and after hard work and many set backs, he is achieving what he set out to do. This is just one aspect of his vast set of talents. He is a writer, a public speaker, an honored veteran, an entrepreneur, a sitting tap dancer, an auctioneer, a warrior, an activist, and the list goes on.

This audio book is a detailed and moving piece that truly captures these honorable men's stories of heroism. He captures this not only with his words but also in the way he speaks, because we know that he was a fellow Green Beret SOG member and he conveys, with a powerful voice, the chaos, heartache, bravery, and honor in being in MACVSOG. "Vietnam Green Berets SOG" not only will tell you how and why these 13 men received the medal of honor, it will give you a glimpse into their life, it will explain Special Forces Culture, it will show you that any one of us can become a hero, it will move you deeply. I have heard Keith speak for years and heard many of his stories. This is one of his finest works and I recommend you share this with your fathers, your children, your friends, our veterans, and everyone who takes pride in what our service men and women do for us and our country.
